電話鈴響了,女主人應聲拿起話筒。 「哪位?」
「請華德太太聽電話。」.......... 「我就是 !」
當您的醫生將您先生的檢體拿來的同時, 另一位華德先生的檢體也剛巧送了過來,現在我們無法確定哪一件檢
Joke of the week : What Am I Supposed To Do?
The phone rang. The lady of the house answered.
"Yes?" "Mrs. Ward, please." "Speaking"
"Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory.
When your doctor sent your husband's samples to the lab, the samples
from another Mr. Ward were sent as well and we are now uncertain which
one is your husband's. Frankly, it is either bad or terrible."
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asked.
"Well, one Mr. Ward has tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other
for AIDS. We can't tell which your husband's is."
"That's terrible! Can we do the test over?" questioned Mrs. Ward.
"Normally, yes. But Medicare won't pay for these expensive tests more
than once."
"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"
The people at Medicare recommend that "You drop your husband off in
the middle of town.
If he finds his way home, then don't sleep with him again".